CDAO A2 Division's RFP for AI Assurance Portal Development

The Chief Digital and Artificial Intelligence Office (CDAO) Assessment & Assurance (A2) Division is critical to verifying the reliability and effectiveness of AI and Machine Learning (ML) systems within the Department of Defense (DoD). As part of its aim to improve AI assurance across the DoD, the CDAO A2 Division has issued a Request for Proposal (RFP). This RFP seeks to select one or more providers for the creation and management of an AI Assurance Portal. This portal will serve as a single repository for the best practices, guidelines, and technologies required for AI/ML system assurance.

In addition to the portal's technical development, the RFP contains a separate job for branding and digital marketing services. This is crucial to ensuring the portal's exposure, accessibility, and user engagement throughout the DoD. The chosen vendor(s) must develop a unified brand identity and deploy digital marketing techniques that effectively communicate the portal's value and encourage adoption by multiple DoD entities.

The CDAO A2 Division's goal with this effort is to develop a strong foundation for AI Assurance, cultivate trust and reliability in AI/ML-enabled systems, and promote their safe and effective usage in the military sector.


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