Fortifying Cyber Defense: Understanding the DoD's New Directive on Cyber Red Teams and Cybersecurity Operations

The Office of the Chief Information Officer issued Department of Defense Instruction 8585.01, titled "DoD Cyber Red Teams," on January 11, 2024. This instruction establishes the DoD Cyber Assessment Program and outlines its policies and responsibilities. It applies to a variety of DoD components, such as Military Departments, Combatant Commands, Defense Agencies, and other DoD entities.

The document is divided into sections that address general issuance information, the responsibilities of various DoD offices and officials, and specific procedures. It outlines the roles and responsibilities of the DoD's Chief Information Officer (CIO), Under Secretaries of Defense, Director Defense Information Systems Agency, and other key figures in ensuring DoD cybersecurity. The instruction also describes the DoD Cyber Red Teams' (DCRTs) roles and processes, such as planning, scheduling, reporting, and the organizations that receive DCRT services.

The instruction focuses on the governance, prioritization, operations, conflict resolution, and reporting of DCRT activities. It also defines the scope and authority of DCRTs, as well as the processes for validating their skills and qualifications. It also assigns risk evaluation responsibilities for conducting DCRT assessments as well as managing the risks and results of the teams that carry them out.

This document is critical for understanding how the Department of Defense approaches cybersecurity, emphasizing the need for rigorous assessment, team qualifications, and clear governance structures to protect against cyber threats.

A copy can be found here.


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