Navigating the Challenges of TLS 1.3 Implementation for Enhanced Enterprise Network Visibility

The document "NIST SP 1800-37B: Addressing Visibility Challenges with TLS 1.3" discusses the challenges and solutions associated with implementing the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol version 1.3 within enterprise networks. TLS 1.3 enhances security and provides forward secrecy, but it poses challenges for internal network visibility essential for cybersecurity controls. The National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence (NCCoE), in collaboration with technology providers and enterprises, explores options to maintain such visibility while deploying TLS 1.3. The document details scalable, deployable, and protocol-agnostic solutions suitable for real-time and post-packet capture analysis, addressing both security and troubleshooting needs. It also touches on the transition from TLS 1.2 to 1.3 and managing privacy expectations within enterprise environments. The solutions leverage key management and network architectures, ensuring compliance with TLS 1.3 standards without compromising security. The document serves as a guide for enterprises seeking to adopt TLS 1.3 while maintaining necessary network visibility for security and operational purposes.


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