NTIA Enhancing Data Center Growth, Security, and Resilience for the Future

The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) has issued a request for comments regarding the growth, security, and resilience of U.S. data centers. As demand for advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence continues to increase, data centers play an integral role in housing the computing power necessary to support these developments. The NTIA is particularly interested in exploring how the federal government can foster sustainable data center expansion, strengthen supply chain resilience, and ensure the security of critical data.

Among the challenges facing data center operators are energy consumption, permitting delays, and workforce shortages, all of which may impede market growth. To address these concerns, the NTIA suggests partnerships between public and private sectors that can lead to infrastructure investments, workforce development, and greater utilization of existing power grid capabilities. As data centers are energy-intensive, projected to consume up to 9% of the U.S. electricity supply by 2030, the NTIA also highlights the importance of exploring alternatives like on-site energy generation.

Moreover, the NTIA emphasizes the need to address cybersecurity risks, as data centers manage vast amounts of sensitive information. It calls for heightened security protocols to protect critical infrastructure and to safeguard emerging technologies like AI, which rely heavily on data centers. The NTIA’s public comment process will inform its upcoming report, which will propose policy measures designed to support safe, secure, and resilient data center growth across the nation.


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