Shared Principles for 6G Wireless Communication Development by Global Governments

The United States, Australia, Canada, the Czech Republic, Finland, France, Japan, South Korea, Sweden, and the United Kingdom have agreed on shared principles for the development of 6G wireless communication systems. These principles emphasize the importance of trusted technology that protects national security, secure and resilient systems that protect privacy, and global industry-led standard-setting for inclusive and interoperable innovation. They also highlight the need for cooperation in research and development, affordability and sustainability for global connectivity, and efficient use of spectrum and manufacturing. These countries aim to adopt policies that support these principles and encourage their adoption worldwide to build a more inclusive, sustainable, secure, and peaceful future.


Securing the Future: An Insight into President Biden's National Cybersecurity Strategy


The Department of Defense, NASA and the General Services Administration have issued an interim rule to implement the final rules by the Small Business Administration